It was a tough road getting to Saint-Petersburg that included a four hour train ride from Moscow and five bottles of “Prazacka” (beer – blogger’s note). But finally, with a cheered up spirit and a phone number of an adorable fellow traveler I met during a train ride, I have arrived in Saint-Petersburg.
Moscow Train Station (Moskovskiy Vokzal)
The very first thing I saw upon exiting the train station was the Square of Uprising (Ploshchad Vosstaniya), which was the epicenter of grand rallies and manifestations of the February Revolution in 1917. As a result of this revolution, the imperator Nicholas II was overthrown and the monarchy had ceased to exist in Russian Empire.
Square of Uprising (Ploshchad Vosstaniya)
I think it is worth noting, that there are some obstructions that stand in a way of enjoying a view upon leaving the station. I am talking about the massive number of rather rude freelancing taxi drivers, as well as their colleagues in the service industry who are ready to offer you all sorts of shelter, from one-hour hotel rooms to the apartments in the heart of Saint-Petersburg. Despite my burning desire to use the services of one-hour rooms and an appealing sinfulness of my new friend, I had to give up on that bright idea. My girlfriend, who accompanied me during the trip, had threatened me with heavy bodily injuries, therefore I had to pass on using the services generously offered by the people at the entrance of the train station. After we made it through the colorful and racy crowd, we were standing on the main street of the city – Nevskiy Prospect. The prospect got its modern name in 1781. It originated from the name of Alexander-Nevskiy Monastery, which was named so as a tribute to a national hero of ancient Russia – the saint duke Alexander Nevskiy.
Nevskiy Prospect
The main trait that differentiates Saint-Petersburg from other cities in Russia is that its streets are carefully and strategically designed, have a mirror numbering on both sides, and are mostly straight and without any kind of turns. Because of its design, if you stand at one end of Nevskiy Prospect you can easily see the famous landmarks that are located on the other end of the street. Nevskiy Prospect, just like the rest of the city, is designed and built in a single architectural design.
Alleys coming off Nevskiy Prospect (just as straight as the streets!)
By simply walking from one end of Nevskiy Prospect to another, you will be able to see and enjoy most of the tourist attractions that a city has to offer. I will tell you more about them, as I continue my observation of the city and its famous monuments.